Turkey’s Medical Tourism Potential to be Showcased at TRUST – LONDON Event

Trust London 4

Through B2B and B2C meetings, Trust London aims to connect medical tourism companies, travel agencies, private health insurance managers, NHS officials, associations in the UK, doctors, local media, beauty centers, and hairdressers in the UK with the founders of Turkish hospitals, clinics and doctors.

Trust London, believes in the power of collaboration and innovation and focuses on improving cooperation for healthcare between the two countries. The event provides a unique opportunity for all attendees to learn about the latest medical technologies and treatments, as well as how medical business collaborations can be improved between the UK and Turkey. We are committed to making a positive impact on the healthcare industry by promoting accessibility, quality, and affordability of medical treatments across borders.


Long waiting times for NHS Treatment? Turkey offers high-quality health services for Brits within 4 hours of flight distance

The National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom has been a cornerstone of the country’s healthcare system since its inception in 1948. It provides free medical treatment to all citizens and residents of the UK, but it’s no secret that the NHS has struggled with long wait times for certain treatments, which can be frustrating and even dangerous for patients who need timely care. In recent years, some patients have turned to medical tourism to receive treatment more quickly, and Turkey has emerged as a popular destination for those seeking high-quality healthcare services.

Issues with NHS waiting times

The NHS has been struggling with long wait times for many years, with some patients waiting weeks or even months for treatment. This can be especially frustrating for those who are in pain or experiencing discomfort, and it can also lead to worsened health outcomes if conditions go untreated for extended periods.

The NHS has acknowledged the problem of wait times and has taken steps to try to reduce them, such as introducing maximum waiting time targets and investing in more staff and facilities. However, progress has been slow, and many patients are still experiencing long wait times.

TRUST – LONDON is an opportunity for NHS officials and Turkish hospital managers to come together and discuss these issues in person. This event will be an important step in building cooperation and understanding between the two countries’ healthcare systems, ultimately benefiting patients seeking medical treatment abroad.

acibadem international

Acibadem International Hospital Istanbul

Medical Tourism to Turkey

For those who cannot or do not want to wait for NHS treatment, medical tourism can be an attractive option. Medical tourism is the practice of traveling to another country to receive medical treatment, and it has become increasingly popular in recent years. Turkey has emerged as one of the leading destinations for medical tourism, thanks to its high-quality healthcare services and relatively low costs.


Turkey has made significant investments in its healthcare infrastructure in recent years, with the aim of becoming a leading destination for medical tourism. The country boasts state-of-the-art hospitals and clinics staffed by highly trained medical professionals, and it offers a wide range of treatments, from cosmetic surgery to cancer treatment.

Why Turkey?

There are many reasons why Turkey has become a popular destination for medical tourism. One of the biggest is the quality of care on offer. Turkey has invested heavily in its healthcare infrastructure, and it has some of the most advanced medical facilities in the world. Its hospitals and clinics are staffed by highly trained medical professionals, and many of them speak English, which makes it easier for British patients to communicate with their doctors.

Another key factor is the cost. Healthcare in Turkey is significantly cheaper than in the UK, which can be a big draw for patients who are struggling to afford treatment at home. Additionally, Turkey is within 4 hours of flight distance from the UK, which makes it a convenient destination for those who don’t want to travel too far from home.

In conclusion, medical tourism to Turkey offers a viable alternative for patients struggling with long waiting times for NHS treatment. Turkey has invested heavily in its healthcare infrastructure and offers high-quality healthcare services at relatively low costs. With flight times of just 4 hours from the UK, it’s a convenient and accessible destination for British patients who need timely medical care.

For more information about the Trust Global – London Turkey Medical Tourism Event, which will be held on DoubleTree by Hilton London, Kensington at March 23rd, 2023, the event website can be visit.

Turkey’s Medical Tourism Industry:
A Boon for English Patients Seeking Quality Healthcare

“We are excited to bring together top healthcare organizations from Turkey with healthcare professionals from the UK,” said Yalçın Avcı, the CEO of Trust Global. “This event will create opportunities for both sides to learn from each other and create meaningful partnerships.”

The programming for the event is as follows:
09:00 – 09:30: Welcome Breakfast
09:30 – 13:00: B2B Meetings
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch
14:00 – 18:00: B2B & B2C Meetings
15:30 – 16:00: Complimentary Drinks & Canapes
16:00 – 18:00: Panels
Panels will focus on topics such as the future of medical travel, redesigning the aesthetic of the future, and the future of medical technologies.

hospital and clinic

Here is a list of hospitals and health groups from Turkey who will be participating in the Trust Global – London: Turkey-UK Medical Health Summit:

1. Acıbadem Healthcare Group –  

2. Anadolu Medical Center –

3. Ankara Güven Hospital –

4. Askeroğlu Health Group –

5. Bahat Health Group –

6. Bolge Hospital –

7. Cavendish Health Group –

8. Cevre Hospital –

9. Denthouse –

10. Dr. Ahmet Caymaz MD –

11. Dr. Sinan Akyurek –

12. Easy Med Life –

13. Esteworld Health Group –

14. Estrella Medical Group –

15. GHS-Global Healthcare Services –

16. HB Dental Clinic –

17. Healthstore Turkey –

18. Liv Hospitals –

19. Med Clinics Turkey –

20. Medicana International Istanbul

21. Mest Assistance –

22. Ninova Dental Clinic –

23. Private Algomed Hospital in Adana –

24. Prof. Dr. Muharrem Inan –

25. Scala Clinic –

26. Talya Medical Center, Antalya –

27. XIRTIZ Luxury Health Tourism –


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